Dramaget reveals about Borat-oglu, who has decided to go public.
“my name a Aylin, but you can call me Borat-oglu, i come to you to speak dirty (I LIKE!). i learn much at the Ataturk University Supreme Truth Department. Genocide lies! Give me your gypsy tears, Armenians or you will be execute, like my friend who call premier Erdogan a man who does it with another man…”
“my hobby include deny genocides, shoot kurds, watch televison show “Ataturk’s best week ever” and “Big Ottoman Brother” You can come to my house, use my wife and the archives to learn truth of genocide is dirty propoganda. in turkeystan we say, a man who accuse a man of make genocides has a small khram or is a woman. you stupid, i clever. you die, i urinate on your monuments. Güle güle, fuk with you later!”
I think Artyom at posted Boratoglu’s photo couple of monts ago but didn’t realize it was Boratoglu.
The rumor has it that Boratoglu will be opening a website that will give final rejection to “Big and fat Armanian lies about so-called genocide.” If you have seen the website, let me know.
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