Thousands of Turks Apologize to Armenians
While I have received a number of personal letters from individual Turks apologizing for the Genocide, this one is addressed to all Armenians: “My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them.”
The thousands of Turkish signatories of the apology statement are not saying sorry for the genocide itself (which they call “the Great Catastrophe,” translating from the Armenian Metz Yeghern). The apology is for the convenient “ignorance” and “denial” about the WWI extermination of Ottoman Empire’s indigenous Armenians for about nine decades. The message, as I see it, is not recognizing a historical fact but recognizing humanity. To recognize genocide means to recognize a victim group’s humanity. The reverse can, apparently, be true as well.
What is also true is that there are thousands of Turks who are willing to risk their lives and comfort in order to break an ancient silence. As one Turkish friend told me, “[i]t’s a bit like putting your name on a ‘wanted’ list.” The “wanted list” is pretty big: over 22,000 signatures on the main website,, by December 24, 2008, and over 3,400 on Facebook (as of Dec 20) with their real names and photographs (the Facebook event list seems to have since become a private one).
On the other hand, all that Armenians have received for losing a homeland and memory through genocide is a 90-year-late “apology” by a group of people some of whose signatories don’t hide its strategy. One initiator, for instance, has been quoted as suggesting in one Turkish-language newspaper that the apology is a service to the Republic of Turkey in the sense that it will kill genocide recognition by other countries. Furthermore, earlier this year, in my indigenous politics class, the professor and many students were not satisfied with Australia’s and Canada’s official apology to their indigenous peoples for genocidal policies. So in general, an “apology” is not well received by victim groups.
What is undeniable, nonetheless, is that this apology has full of potential. One would not even imagine such an apology five years ago. One would not imagine that Turkish parliamentarians would discuss the matter, even some of them using the Kurdish term “genocide” to refer to the Armenian extermination.
The apology has also brought out the paradoxical Turkish society. Turkey’s ceremonial president Abdullah Gul has defended the signatories (unlike the “real” Turkish leader, vice president Erdogan). At the same time, though, Gul is suing a nationalist Turkish parliamentarian for saying the president has Armenian roots and that’s why he defends the apology. This is also the same Gul who has attended a ceremonial killing of Armenian soldiers in Turkey. But this is also the same Gul who visited Armenia this year and wanted to improve relations.
Nevertheless, Turkish media are openly calling Canan Arıtman, the female member of a social-democratic party who suggested Gul is a traitor because of his alleged Armenian origin, a “fascist” and a “racist.” Suggesting that the politician be expelled from her party, one Turkish columnist writing for Sabah says, “Arıtman is racist. What place can racism and questioning ethnic origins have in social democracy, an ideology that has freedom, equality and brotherhood as its fundamental tenets?”
Writing even harsher, a liberal Turkish columnist asks what if all Turks have Armenian origin:
“Arıtman and those like her are the strongest reason we have to apologize to the Armenian community. If these people can readily put into circulation statements that are racist, low and self-aggrandizing, the entire community is responsible for that. We all have a share in this crime. I have questions to ask people who approach this issue reluctantly and who think that it is unnecessary as an agenda item. Have you ever thought about this? Maybe we are all really Armenians. We may all have people in our lineage who were forced to act like Muslim Turks.”
A Zaman columnist says Turks “should thank the racist CHP deputy” for reminding the history of her political party. Apparently that political party is the hereditary of the chauvinist “Union and Progress” that committed the Genocide in 1915.
Furthermore, some of Arıtman’s colleagues in the parliament have compared her to Hitler: “”It was a similar stance that led German dictator Adolf Hitler to burn thousands of people of Jewish origin. Arıtman sees Armenians as enemies.”
When was the last time when any media in Turkey was outraged against insulting Armenians? Indeed this is unprecedented and demonstrates the power of the apology – no matte how vague and not-enough it may be. This maybe the reason why there is so much ultranationalist outrage in Turkey against the apology (even if some self-perceived progressives silently suggest the apology serves Turkey’s national interests). The website of the apology, for instance, was “suspended” according to a message which appeared on it around 1:30 AM standard US eastern time on December 23, 2008. Days ago it was also hacked. Furthermore, a group of nationalists have opened their own website called “I don’t apologize.” Almost 50,000 nationalists have signed it as of December 24. Another counter campaign claims twice as many supporters, although neither websites have received much – if any coverage – in Turkish or other media.
Hated by Turkish ultranationalists, the apology initiative has inspired similar (though low-profile) campaigns in the region. I have received a text that is being circulated among Cypriot Turks and Greeks asking both communities to apologize to each other:
“Initiative for Apologizing for the atrocities committed by ones’ own community
1. This is an initiative to collect signatures on a document apologizing for the atrocities committed by ones’ own community against the other. Following the initiative of 200 Turkish intellectuals, who found the courage to apologize for the Armenian genocide, we believe it is time for Cypriots to assume responsibility for the crimes allegedly committed in their name and to express regret and condemnation.
2. The initiative also aims at putting an end to the decades- long practice of concealing the truth about the events, of denying that they ever took place or attempt to justify them. This amounts to a crime of massacre denial which can no longer be tolerated. At the same time each one of us must assume responsibility for the actions we can take as parents, teachers, activists, journalists, politicians to put an end to the decades-long conspiracy of silence about our regrettable past.
3. We call on all interested persons and organizations to engage in a process of consultation on how best to promote this initiative and to formulate the text to be signed.”
Full of more potential for good than for bad, the Turkish apology is one that surprises many. In fact, it might not have been possible without one person. According to the Irish Times:
Others attribute the initiative to the shock that followed the murder of the Armenian-Turkish editor Hrant Dink. A leading advocate of a more humane debate on the Armenian issue, Dink was gunned down by a nationalist teenager in January 2007.
“When he died, it was as if a veil had been torn from the eyes of the democratic-minded citizens of this country,” says Nil Mutluer, a feminist activist who signed the letter. “People realised there was no time to be lost.”
The road ahead looks hard. The chief organisers of the 1915 massacres continue to be commemorated in street names across the country….”
The road is a hard one, but not unprecedented. Around the globe, there is a global recognition of indigenous rights which have often been repressed through genocidal policies. One such injustice was recently corrected by the country of Nicaragua when it gave title of traditional land to a native nation. A simple apology seems to please many Armenians, though, even it comes froma group of liberal Turks who are ashamed of a 90-year-old campaign to silence and rewrite history.
When I gave my father a print-out of the apology in western Armenian, his initial reaction was: “They took all of our land and memory and all they give us is an apology by a group of small people who don’t even use the word genocide?” To my surprise, he then added, “I accept their apology.”
And earlier this April, when a group of Turkish lobbyists and community organizers denied the Armenian genocide during a commemorative lecture at University of Denver, an Armenian friend of mine (who openly calls himself a nationalist), said to the audience that if a Turk told him “sorry” for the Genocide he would give that Turk a “big, Armenian hug.”
My friend owes 20,000 Turks big, Armenian hugs. Let’s hope the number grows so big that he will never be able to give so many hugs in 90 years.
11 Responses to “Thousands of Turks Apologize to Armenians”
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Raffi on 25 Dec 2008 at 12:18 am #
This is indeed an interesting development, and I guess if we think about it, a logical next step. The public had to take a step the government is not ready to take… yet. These are all a logical progression, leading towards righting a massive historical wrong.
We’ll see where exactly it takes us, but as I’ve said many times, an apology (by the government) without reparations is quite meaningless to me at least. After raping, pillaging and stealing an entire country, then denying it and insulting the victims for long and painful century, a simple, oops, mea culpa by the Turkish government is not going to right what has happened. I hope that Turks themselves will demand that their government go beyond an apology and make things right.
Onnik Krikorian on 25 Dec 2008 at 1:55 pm #
Well, interesting indeed, but what is “making things right?” For sure, there will be no territorial reparations perhaps with the exception of some token and symbolic church property. Otherwise, aside from financial compensation or favorable customs and transit fees, I don’t see much happening. Indeed, most Armenians here just would like recognition and the border open.
Anyway, for sure something is happening with some local officials and Turkish journalists I’ve met in the past two weeks saying the border could be opened in 2009-10. On the other hand, both realize that open discussion in Turkey can also push the nationalists into action. Sure, the same is true here and in the Diaspora, but it is the nationalists in Turkey that pose the greatest threat, perhaps, as Hrant Dink’s murder showed.
R on 25 Dec 2008 at 5:20 pm #
There are interesting things happening in Turkey but when the President sues another politician for saying he has Armenian blood you know the place has a way to go.
Raffi on 26 Dec 2008 at 9:30 am #
Onnik – none of us know what form the reparations will take, but I think if you keep repeating there will be no land given back, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. That you think “most” Hayastantsis are happy with an apology is something I would believe when a reliable poll said so… otherwise, it’s a simple matter of “asumen”, and I’m just not convinced. The mantra that the Diaspora feels different about the genocide I think already has been shown to be a false assumption by some polls.
I’m still hoping for recognition by April 24, 2015…
Ruben on 26 Dec 2008 at 12:37 pm #
The very notion of land reparations is absurd. There is no conceivable way that Turkey or even a single one of its 60 million people will be willing to give away an inch of territory, just as there is no conceivable way Armenia would be able to handle an extra inch of territory. This is of course without even considering the five million Kurds that live on the lands in question, whose complete exclusion from these debates is baffling. The whole business of territorial reparations is rotten and quite frankly completely counter-productive. If we expect the Turkish people and subsequently their government to come to terms with what happened, we as Armenians need to show some reason. The fear of these very land reparations are the number one tool of anti-Armenian propaganda and the main obstacle to allowing the Turkish society to accept their history. The diaspora must show some flexibility while the Armenian government must show a basic willingness to govern for the sake of their nation, rather than their pocket. Until we improve on those two fronts, any real breakthrough in Turkey-Armenia, safe and sensible for Armenia, cannot be achieved
Onnik Krikorian on 28 Dec 2008 at 3:48 am #
Well, let me put it like this, if land was given back, Armenia would absorb a greater number of Turks and Kurds. None of them are going to be forced to move. Moreover, any talk of land reparations is more likely to result in resistance to recognizing the Genocide inside Turkey. Of course, some Armenians think they will one day be strong enough to invade Turkey, but with the second strongest army in NATO one severely doubts that.
Some token land returns — church property, perhaps. Anything else is unlikely to happen. Besides, one doubts many ethnic Armenians abroad will swap urban life in the more developed world for a village or town in the poverty-stricken east. Anyway, I applaud the move by the Turkish signatories although also understand that resistance to it will be stronger now among the nationalists. That, perhaps, is the most concerning aspect of all of this.
Meanwhile, some were talking of the border opening in 2009 or 2010 without preconditions. It remains to be seen whether this will happen or not, but for sure it won’t unless Armenia recognizes the present-day borders of its more powerful and strategically important [to the West] neighbor. Interestingly, if it were to happen, some diplomats believe considerable pressure would be on Azerbaijan to genuinely speak of compromises on their part in the Karabakh negotiations.
Here’s hoping, but I won’t be placing any bets.
Joseph on 28 Dec 2008 at 8:09 am #
Ruben, I agree with your post 100%.
Raffi on 28 Dec 2008 at 9:26 am #
I disagree with most of what you guys are saying, from the very base assumptions that your arguments start with to the final conclusions you draw. I don’t know how much of it I can address in this space, but let me take a stab at it.
Ruben: Land reparations are absurd? Inconceivable? Let me ask you a few questions about this. Did you predict the fall of the USSR? The massive incursions into peoples rights in the USA after 9/11? The socialization of huge chunks of the US economy this fall? The first black US president in 2008? If you did, I’ll reconsider your opinion of what is inconceivable. The rest of your note about how we need to stop making land claims so that “Turkish society can accept their history” is actually rather absurd to me. I am not selling out what my ancestors went through, and then my parents and me in exile in order to help Turks accept their history. I’m doing it for justice. And justice is not an “oops, did I do that?” a century later, it’s in the form of compensation… or else, they’re not really sorry, are they? I’m quite sick of the victims being expected to baby the aggressors here.
Onnik: I disagree with your (and Rubens) premise that Turks/Kurds would not be moved during land reparations. Of course they’d be moved. It would be like accepting the horse of Troy to take large swaths of populated lands, so obviously nobody is talking about that. If 1 million Chinese were moved to make way for a new dam, then a million Turks/Kurds could be moved as well by their government to right a huge historical wrong. I don’t know of anyone talking about invading Turkey, either. That’s not really reparations. Saying that Diasporans wouldn’t move to those lands given back is like saying that someone who’s car is stolen shouldn’t be given his car back when the culprit is brought to justice, since the owner was forced to buy a new one. Reparations are what they are, property owed. If nobody moves there and it’s a big national park, that’s just fine with me. If Armenians want to lease it back to Turkey, hey, that’s fine too. If that property includes a black sea coastline instead of say a Lake Van coastline, I suspect some Armenians will move there – and MANY Hayastantsis are descendants of the genocide, so again, let’s not draw a Diaspora-Hayastantsi barrier where it doesn’t exist. If Hayastantsis move there, that’s the same thing.
Onnik, I also hope for peace, and open border, etc. But not at any cost. All that will change with an open border is that contact between Turks and Armenians will be facilitated, Tourism (especially to Turkey) will get a boost, and the price of Turkish goods will drop in Armenia, and possibly, the price to export goods out of Armenia will drop. That’s all nice, but I think recognizing the borders in return for that is not the right thing to do.
Anyway, none of this is up to us, so let’s see what unfolds in 2009… 94 years after the genocide began.
Raffi on 29 Dec 2008 at 11:44 am #
A link to an article about a recent China quake – 5 million people left homeless… again illustrating my point that moving a million people is not inconceivable in this day and age. Large chunks of land were traded after WWII by Russia, Poland, Germany… so I think it’s not only possible, but some land transfer is only fair and to be expected…
Hayaser on 30 Dec 2008 at 3:18 am #
apology schmology, it dont mean anything, ‘they’ think by few of them coming out in public or internet public hidding behind computers/user names in their homes trying to apologize so anonymously that it will ‘ease’ our pain & suffering. in the end of alll this its BULLSHIT. they doing it to try to give themselves a “kinder” image so that they are not so looked down upon by neighbors alike. apology wont do shit….
J.A. on 30 Dec 2008 at 7:41 am #
I have a “Bridge to nowhere” to sell to you people, if you think that Turkey is going to give a piece of its land to Armenia, or carve out a piece of its land to create a Kurdish Government within its present borders.
But, keep on dreaming…. is all I can say.