Dear Blogian readers,

I am so sorry that the server was down yesterday. was doing some updates, and I am sorry that many of you saw "offline" messages while checking the website over and over again.

I had some great news to share yesterday; I will do so today.

Time Magazine has named me the person of the year. I do share the honor with six billion more people and every Blogian reader, but I am still glad they honored me. But I still like the honor by USA TODAY more. Although the latter said I was the vice-president of the honor society, when I was the president, it published my photo.

Now about serious stuff. Sylvester Stallone announced to The Denver Post yesterday that he would retire as an actor and make his dream come true: direct Frantz Werfel's "The Forty Days of Musa Dag" – the epic about the Armenian self-defense during the Genocide. My comment is still available on The Denver Post website. laugh.gif The funny part is that another reader thanks me in his comment for a CD I made a few years ago.

Hope you are watching "The New Tears of Araxes" and sharing the info with others. A DVD version with much better quality and professional finish is available for free upon request. Just shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] and explain me why you would need one.

USA TODAY is considering a review of the film, but I don't think they will write on this.