Apparently, Turkish (and Azerbaijani) hackers do not only hack Armenian websites and “decorate” the latter with genocide denial and anti-Armenian hate messages. ADV Films, a very popular cartoon website, has been hacked by Turkish denialists. unsure.gif

As previously reported, the ADV Films webiste at was hacked on Saturday morning by a group of Turkish hackers called Ayyildiz. Webpages on the site were defaced with the Ayyildiz logo message. Ayyildiz commonly hacks websites and defaces them with a propaganda message claiming that the Armenian genocide was an act of self-defense. The message also attacks the Kurdish PKK and their backers, and states that any country that is treacherous towards Turkey will have its websites "erased from the Internet."

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A mirror of the original hack can be seen here.

ADV removed the hacked server on Saturday morning, no more than a few hours after the original hack itself. Their website resumed regular operation on Sunday evening. According to Mark Williams, CTO at ADV, they took advantage of the downtime to implement several already prepared expansions, including the addition of new servers. The reparations took longer than Williams would have liked as it was the weekend and several staff we're out of town for the weekend. "Plus," adds Williams, "We liked the Turkish terrorist music."

Williams states that the vulnerability that lead to this attack has been corrected and that the only server affected was a front end content-caching server, no customer data was affected in any way.