According to, “the Dutch MP C. G. van der Staaij of the SGP (Reformed Political Party) faction has submitted Written Questions to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and to the Secretary of State for Education, Culture and Science on the destruction of Armenian cross stones (khachkars) of Old Jougha in Nakhichevan by the Azerbaijani soldiers.”

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As a reminder, the European Parliament has recently adopted a resolution condemning the mid-December (2005) Azerbaijani destruction of the ancient Armenian cemetery in Old Jougha (Julfa), Nakhichevan.

22 February 2006

1. Is the report correct that by the order of the Azerbaijani authorities in December 2005 graves of particular historic and cultural significance were destroyed and desecrated at the Armenian cemetery in Djulfa in Nakhichevan? Could you inform us of the precise state of affairs?

2. Could the government confirm whether the destruction is related to the dormant conflict of Nagorno Karabagh?

3. To what extend has Azerbaijan been sensitive to international criticism to similar destruction in past years?

4. Is the Dutch government prepared to back the EU statement by condemning the events and reminding Azerbaijan over her obligations vis-à-vis her membership of the Council of Europe and participation in the European Neighbourhood policy.