In many forums you will continuously read the question whether ASALA (Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia) still exists. For me ASALA exists, because the Armenian question is still in existence.

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A report from Noyan Tapan News agency (7 February 2006), as posts, informs that former political prisoners and fighters of ASALA have joint in "Ukht Ararati" (Oath of Ararat) non-governmental organization to peacefully continue their fight for reinforcing the treaty of Sevres, which granted Armenians of modern eastern Turkey the right to have a united republic within a large area of historic Armenia.

Turkish nationalists continue their accusations of “ASALA-terror,” reminding that the fighters of ASALA reportedly assassinated several Turkish diplomats in the 1970s and later.

ASALA stopped its military actions in the early 1980s, but arguably had input in the 1990s’ liberation of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh), an Armenian region, that along with Nakhichevan, had been signed off to Soviet Azerbaijan by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.

From its birth (1975) until today, ASALA has published dozens of newspapers in different languages.