Trafficking Documentary on PBS – 7 February 2006, 9:00pm (for local listings in the United States and for e-mail reminder visit here)

As our friend Ara Manoogian informs at Martuni or Bust!!!, PBS (Channel 6, etc.) will be broadcasting a human trafficking documentary on 7 February 2006, evening schedule.

Attached Image
Photo: Katia (last name withheld) was sold into the sex trade against her will. In Sex Slaves, airing February 7, 2006 on PBS (check local listings), FRONTLINE follows Katia's husband, posing as a pimp, who carried this photograph in his pocket and met with sex traffickers in order to buy her freedom. Credit: FRONTLINE/WGBH (from

The documentary is based on the life of a sex-slave from an Eastern European country.

As PBS writes in its website:

Sex Slaves
coming Feb. 07, 2006 at 9pm (check local listings)

(60 minutes) An estimated half-million women are trafficked annually for the purpose of sexual slavery. The women are kidnapped — or lured by traffickers who prey on their dreams of employment abroad — then they are "exported" to Europe, the Middle East, the United States, and elsewhere, where they are sold to pimps, drugged, terrorized, locked in brothels, and raped repeatedly. In Eastern Europe, since the fall of communism, sex trafficking has become the fastest growing form of organized crime, with Moldova and Ukraine widely seen as the centers of the global trade in women and girls. On Feb. 7, FRONTLINE presents a unique hidden camera look at this world of sexual slavery, talking with traffickers and their victims, and exposing the government indifference that allows the abuses to continue virtually unchecked. Sex Slaves also follows the remarkable journey of one man determined to find his trafficked wife by posing as a trafficker himself to buy back her freedom.