Harut Sassounian, the publisher of the California Courier, called my last letter to an American publication "alleged masterpiece." Since some people liked my alleged masterpiece, I am posting it here for our readers: wink.gif

Attached Image
A historical photo of alleged victims of the Armenian genocide.

– from http://www.thejewishadvocate.com/this_week…?content_id=689
[a bigger version of the "alleged photo" is available here. – Blogian]

Dear alleged Ted Siefer,

I read your alleged article in the alleged Jewish
Advocate about the alleged Armenian genocide at the
alleged website

The alleged photo of the alleged victims of the
alleged Armenian genocide you posted, shows the
alleged Armenians and some alleged Armenian skulls of
alleged Urfa, where my alleged grandparents were
allegedly murdered during the alleged WWI. My alleged
great-grandfather's alleged name was Gevork Maghakyan,
and he was allegedly shot in the alleged Armenian
cathedral of alleged St. Mary, where many alleged
Armenians, including my other alleged relatives, were
allegedly burnt alive.

Happy Alleged New Year to you and thank you for
calling my family members alleged victims. I hope it
makes you feel special and unique!

With alleged best wishes,

Alleged Simon Maghakyan from alleged Littleton,

[2 Jan 2006]